About This Blog....

This blog was created for the benefit of all women in Southern Illinois who recognize their right to choose what type of childbirth they want to have. Our choices are being limited more and more by the hospitals and doctors in this area and as a result we are being told how to deliver our precious children. We sincerely hope that you find some helpful information here. Please feel free to post comments and submit information to assist in our efforts to restore our rights and choices for safe and natural childbirth methods.

Monday, August 24, 2009


A Time For Joy

What: A Time to Thank, Celebrate and Support Certified Nurse Midwife, Joy Wayman of Murpysboro, for her many years of service to the women of southern Illinois after her untimely firing by Shawnee Womens Family Health and Medicine of Carbondale.

Where: Unitarian Church, Carbondale Illinois (105 N Parrish Ln, Carbondale, IL)

When: Saturday August 29, 2009

Time: 2-4pm with Thank You, Picture and Cake Ceremony at 3pm

*If you had a Baby with Joy be sure to be there at 3pm as we hope to take a picture with as many children she delivered!*

Please come and sign petitions asking for more Childbirth Options in Southern Illinois that will be presented to Memorial Hospital of Carbondale, since Joy was the Last practicing Nurse Midwives at Memorial. There will also have informoration as to the services that Doctors with privileges at Memorial are offering. So that women can try to a Health Care Provider that would best fit with her Birth Plans since Joy is no Longer an option. We hope to have enough signitures that we could convince a Doctor to take Joy into their practice.

For more information please contact us at Supportforjoy@gmail.com or look us up on Facebook under Support for Joy or our Blog at Childbirth Options of Southern Illinois http://sichildbirth.blogspot.com